The Hobbit

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Author: J. R. R. Tolkien

Recommended Age: 15+

Date Published: 1937

Genre: Fantasy

Summary: Bilbo Baggins never wanted much adventure and never had any until he met the wizard, Gandalf, and was thrust into a journey to recover the dwarves’ treasure from the dragon, Smaug. 

Notes From the Radical Reader:

  • Noble Characters: Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit, and this means comfort. When he is called by Gandalf into an adventure to reclaim what rightly belongs to the dwarves, led by Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo is at first reluctant. But as the journey progresses, he throws himself physically, emotionally, and mentally into the battle to save his friends and to protect the treasure.
  • Captivating Plots: Known most commonly as the precursor to The Lord of the Rings series by J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit is no less grand in its own adventures and heroics. The story follows Bilbo Baggins from the Shire to Smaug’s cave, with dangers and diverse enemies every step of the way. Though I recommend it for 15+ due to older-styled language and complex themes, advanced readers as young as 10 have enjoyed this book.
  • Elaborate Worlds: From the watery caves and encounters with the creature, Gollum, to the glittering treasure hoarde of the Dragon, Smaug, Tolkien has spun one of the most diverse worlds in literary history. Middle Earth is home to dragons, dwarves, trolls, wizards, and hobbits. And only one small and comfort-loving hobbit can save Middle Earth from destruction.